Why the name ICENI Taekwon-do?

Why the name ICENI and the meaning of the Triskele symbol

Why the name ICENI Taekwon-do?

Our Taekwon-do club name ICENI, comes from the ICENI celtic tribe, whose warriors defended their way of life and their lands in this region thousands of years ago. They fought with courage and indomitable spirit, standing up for what is true and just.

ICENI Taekwon-do
mind, body, indomitable spirit  Free T-shirts

The celtic triskele (triple spiral) symbol the ICENI used is said to be the oldest symbol of spirituality.

The spirals symbolise the unity of mental, physical, and spiritual self.

ICENI Taekwon-do
mind, body, indomitable spirit

ICENI Taekwon-do
mind, body, indomitable spirit . We have named our Tiger "Woad", who symbolises our fighting spirit!

Woad is a blue coloured dye the ICENI used to paint symbols on themselves. We have named our Tiger “Woad”, who symbolises our fighting spirit!

Also, in Taekwon-do competitions Hong is red and Chong is blue, so that’s why we have our Tiger image in both colours.


So now you now what ICENI stands for, come and join us!

Start with 4 Free Sessions, book here: iceniTKD.uk

ICENI Taekwon-do Clobber!
ICENI Taekwon-do Clobber!